Whats left to bomb?
Every time things go awfully bad in Iraq, I say "its the end, cant get any worse" but it does. We have been receiving news of extreme Baghdad bombing for the past two days. I read my friends' (who still live in Baghdad) comments on Facebook and I just cant believe what is happening. Some monsters keep exploding coffee shops full of young Iraqi guys, Iraqi youth!
If only we could bring a huge plane and get all the innocent people left in Iraq on board and take them to safety, and let the monsters, whoever they are, destroy what's left of Iraq. If the monsters are gone, we can build Iraq somewhere else. If we cant save the land then lets at least save the people!
Iraqi land is precious ok! but the lives of the innocents are just priceless...
At 6:56 PM ,
jarvenpa said...
My dear, I wish we could save everyone in every county, end war, and concentrate on what really matters in life. I am glad to see you once more blogging. Is the pretty kitten posted in July yours?
At 11:41 AM ,
Raghda said...
Hey Jarvenpa,
I wish that too :(
No that cat belongs to my friend but it was something special because it was actually the first cat I touch and play with since 2003 :P
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